Source code for uwsift

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
import warnings
from importlib.machinery import PathFinder
from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location

import satpy
from donfig import Config

from uwsift.common import ImageDisplayMode
from uwsift.util import get_base_dir

from .util.default_paths import APPLICATION_NAME, USER_CONFIG_DIR
from .version import __version__  # noqa

SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR = os.path.join(get_base_dir(), "etc", APPLICATION_NAME)

__CONFIG = "config"
__READERS = "readers"

    os.path.join(SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR, __CONFIG),
    os.path.join(SYSTEM_CONFIG_DIR, __CONFIG, __READERS),

    os.path.join(USER_CONFIG_DIR, __CONFIG),
    os.path.join(USER_CONFIG_DIR, __CONFIG, __READERS),

# Configurations read later by Donfig Config() overwrite previous settings, thus user config comes last:

[docs] def init_user_config_dirs(user_config_dirs: list): print(f"Creating user configuration directories:\n\t{user_config_dirs}", file=sys.stderr) for user_config_dir in user_config_dirs: try: os.makedirs(user_config_dir, mode=0o777, exist_ok=True) except (PermissionError, FileExistsError) as e: print(f"Failed to create '{user_config_dir}': {e}", file=sys.stderr)
# FIXME: Move this to GUI initialization (argument parsing) init_user_config_dirs(USER_CONFIG_PATHS) print(f"Reading configuration from:\n\t{CONFIG_PATHS}", file=sys.stderr) deprecations = {"satpy_extra_readers_import_path": "satpy_extra_config_path"} config = Config("uwsift", paths=CONFIG_PATHS, deprecations=deprecations)
[docs] def overwrite_import(package_name: str, custom_import_path: str, *, verbose=True): if (custom_import_path is not None) and (not os.path.exists(custom_import_path)): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Package '{package_name}' doesn't exist at given custom import path '{custom_import_path}'" ) class CustomPathFinder(PathFinder): @classmethod def find_spec(cls, fullname: str, path=None, target=None): package_parts = fullname.split(".") if package_parts[0] == package_name and custom_import_path is not None: del package_parts[0] if len(package_parts) == 0: # import the root of the package package_import_path = os.path.join(custom_import_path, "") spec = spec_from_file_location(fullname, package_import_path) else: # import the base directory of the subpackage package_parts.pop() package_import_path = os.path.join(custom_import_path, *package_parts) spec = super().find_spec(fullname, [package_import_path], target) if verbose: # setup for the logger happens in __main__, thus use print print(f"Custom import path for package `{fullname}`: {package_import_path}", file=sys.stderr) return spec return None # The CustomPathFinder must have high priority, therefore set it to the front of the list. # This is harmless, because we modify only the import path of the Satpy module. sys.meta_path.insert(0, CustomPathFinder)
# Add additional satpy configuration paths satpy_config_path_yml = config.get("satpy_extra_config_path", None) if satpy_config_path_yml is not None: satpy.config.set(config_path=satpy.config.get("config_path") + [satpy_config_path_yml]) sys.path.insert(0, satpy_config_path_yml) def _map_str_to_image_display_mode(image_display_mode_str: str) -> ImageDisplayMode: for idm in ImageDisplayMode: if image_display_mode_str.lower() == idm: return idm if image_display_mode_str: # empty is OK, but typos should not go unnoticed. warnings.warn( f"Unknown image display mode '{image_display_mode_str}', falling back to the default.", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return ImageDisplayMode.SIMPLE_GEOLOCATED # this is the default # FIXME: These defeat the purpose of a dynamic config object and prevents command-line overrides. # These can be converted to functions or direct `config.get(X)` usage. IMAGE_DISPLAY_MODE = _map_str_to_image_display_mode(config.get("display.image_mode", "")) print(f"Image Display Mode: {IMAGE_DISPLAY_MODE}", file=sys.stderr) USE_INVENTORY_DB = config.get("storage.use_inventory_db") CLEANUP_FILE_CACHE = config.get("storage.cleanup_file_cache") AUTO_UPDATE_MODE__ACTIVE = config.get("", False)