
Many aspects of SIFT can or must be configured.

The software comes with a default - system - configuration split in several separate files in a directory structure below the directory etc/:

└── SIFT/
    └── config/
        ├── *.yaml
        └── readers/
            └── *.yaml

Configurations specific to single Satpy readers are in separate files in a sub-directory ‘readers’.

The configuration in this directory tree is not intended to be edited by the user, as any changes would be lost when the software is updated. Instead, to configure the software differently from the default, the user can place additional configuration files below the into an analogous directory tree:

└── config/
    ├── *.yaml
    └── readers/
        └── *.yaml

where USER_SIFT_CONFIG_DIR is the the standard operation system configuration path for the application SIFT (Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\SIFT\, Linux: ~/.config/SIFT/).

The user configuration can be empty or only be partial: it is merged with the system configuration, adding or overwriting settings of the latter. It is not necessary to keep the configuration in individual files, it can be put into larger files as you wish.

SIFT uses the Donfig config library, for additional details on how to write configurations have a look here: