Configuring Readers

General Configuration

The readers offered by the Open File Wizard to be used for loading are a subset of the readers provided by Satpy and - if configured accordingly via satpy_extra_config_path - in a directory of additional readers. The list of these readers must be configured, e.g. as follows:

    - fci_l1c_nc
    - seviri_l1b_hrit
    - seviri_l1b_native
    - avhrr_l1b_eps

This is enough to make the readers available, but the Open File Wizard works better with additional configuration.

Per-Reader Configuration

General Configuration

For each reader it is recommended to configure:

  • filter_patterns, which help to partition the names of files in the chosen input directory into their components and

  • group_keys, which define, which components of the file names are used to group files together into one dataset

These settings are configured in the same way as in the Satpy reader configuration YAML files.

If special reader keyword arguments need to be passed to the reader during the Satpy Scene initialisation, these can be configured by adding a reader_kwargs entry to the reader configuration, containing the kwargs key-value pairs.

Grid Numbering Configuration

In addition for GEOS files the grid layout can be configured to enable correct index display according to their PUGs. In the grid sub-config three parameters can be set:

  • origin, to define, which corner the indexing starts from. Valid settings are "SE", "SW", "NE" and "NW". If not set it defaults to "NW"

  • first_index_x and first_index_y to define the value indexing starts from for columns and rows. Usually this value is 0 or 1 and the same for both parameters and defaults to 0 if not given.

GEO Segment Merging Configuration

For segmented file formats (such as MSG SEVIRI HRIT and MTG FCI NetCDF), it is usually preferable to merge segments that are loaded in separate load operations (Open File Wizard calls) but belong to the same disk into one dataset, rather than creating a separate dataset for each load operation. This is especially important when incrementally loading stripes in auto-update mode.

To control this behaviour the data_reading-setting merge_with_existing can be configured as either False (the default) or True.


Currently, dataset merging does not work together with the caching database, so make sure you set storage.use_inventory_db: False, otherwise caching will take precedence and disable merging.


Currently, dataset merging does not work well together with the adaptively retiling image display. Consider switching it off by setting display.use_tiled_geolocated_images: False, otherwise for some zoom levels the data segments loaded later may not be visible.

Example Configuration For Image Readers

As example for a complete configuration for a reader, this is one for SEVIRI Level 1B in HRIT format:

    group_keys: ['start_time', 'platform_shortname', 'service']
    filter_patterns: ['{rate:1s}-000-{hrit_format:_<6s}-{platform_shortname:4s}_{service:_<7s}-{channel:_<6s}___-{segment:_<6s}___-{start_time:%Y%m%d%H%M}-{c:1s}_']
    kind: IMAGE
      origin: "SE"
      first_index_x: 1
      first_index_y: 1

       fill_hrv: True

Point and Lines Readers Configuration

The visualisation of point and lines can be activated for the according readers using the kind POINTS or LINES. These kinds also support the style_attributes option. It is used to control which product is used for a certain style attribute. Currently only the attribute fill is supported, which influences the colour of POINTS.

Therefore, in the following example from the gld360_ualf2 reader, the colour of the marker of each point is controlled by the value of the product peak_current or altitude, if one of them is selected in the file wizard for loading (the colour map to be used must be configured for the chosen product in the default_colormaps list):

    kind: POINTS
      fill: ['peak_current', 'altitude']

For the correct configuration for displaying data of kind LINES the following must be done: While the location of the start point of a line is always given by the fields lons and lats guaranteed to be provided by the reader, the end points of the lines may come in different fields depending on the loaded file format. Therefore, the coordinates of the end point must be named in the configuration coordinates_end, which has to be a list of two field names, as for example for the fci_l1_geoobs_lmk_nav_err reader:

    kind: LINES
    coordinates_end: ['longitude_reference', 'latitude_reference']

Readers that can return both image and point data, e.g. the LI L2 reader, can be configured to support both kinds at the same time using the DYNAMIC kind. SIFT will then make the assumption that if the loaded dataset is 1-D and has a pyresample SwathDefinition, it represents point data.


Currently, the DYNAMIC kind supports only the image/point ambiguity.