Auto Update Mode

SIFT can be operated in Auto Update Mode for operational monitoring of incoming data.

In that mode the graphical user interfaces shows three time displays instead of the controls for animations:

  • Date Time: displays the (start) time of the currently displayed data

  • Import Time: displays, when the currently displayed data was imported

  • Current Time: displays the current time like a wall clock

Both Date Time and Import Time are coloured green as long as the according times are sufficiently recent but change the colour to red when there is significant delay.

To run SIFT in Auto Update Mode according settings must be added to the application configuration, see Activation of Auto Update Mode.

Since in auto update mode no files are load interactively a Catalogue must be configured which configures files according to which file name patterns should be loaded and where to find them. For details please see Catalogue Query Configuration.

Disk Space Management Tools

SIFT creates temporary files during ingestion of new data. Some of these files are written by libraries SIFT depends on, e.g. intermediate files are created by Satpy when it decompresses data stored in compressed file formats. But also SIFT itself creates intermediate files which are only used once and are not of permanent value.

Especially when SIFT runs in Auto Update Mode and repeatedly loads new data these files could fill up the file system. Two tools are provided to manage this:

  • The Disk Management tool to identify which files are written by SIFT

  • The Storage Agent which actually cleans up configured directories which have been identified as containing intermediate files from SIFT

The recommended approach is to use the Disk Management tool to analyse into which directories SIFT writes temporary files and use this information to configure the Storage Agent to watch these directories and purge obsolete temporary files from them. The analysis step has to be done only during development of the software or initially after installing or updating the software to figure out, whether additional directories are affected.

Disk Management allows to collect a list of files accessed by a program. To analyse the files opened by the SIFT process started via commandline

$ python -m uwsift

the tool has to be called as follows:

$ python uwsift/util/ --cmdline "python -m uwsift"

Alternatively the argument --pid can be used to trace a specific PID:

$ python uwsift/util/ --pid <pid>

Example Output

Observing the following processes:
    65762 -> python -m uwsift

Searching for open files...............................................


    /home/user/.local/share/QtWebEngine/Default/Visited Links

Storage Agent

The Storage Agent can be used to cleanup directories e.g. from files generated for caching. The agent is started without command line options, since it reads all its settings from the configuration. The configuration for the storage agent is part of the storage configuration (see Storage <configuration-storage.rst>).


After reading in its configuration the agent observes and purges the configured directories in given intervals until terminated: It attempts to delete each file in the observed directories whose age is larger than the configured lifetime. The file age is counted from the last time it was modified.

If a file can’t be removed, the Storage Agent will notify about this and ignore the file and therefore won’t try to delete it again. The notification may by a simple log message to the console or additionally an event raised to the EUMETSAT’s GEMS monitoring system when a notification_cmd is properly configured.