Configuring Catalogue and Auto Update Mode

Catalogue Query Configuration

The Catalogue configuration defines a list of “queries”.

An example configuration looks a follows:

  - reader: <string>
    search_path: <string>
      <replacement_field_1>: <replacement_field_1_setting>
        - <replacement_field_2_setting_1>
        - <replacement_field_2_setting_2>
        - <product_1>
        - <product_2>

Each query must define the reader to use, the search_path where to look for files, optional constraints, and a mandatory definition of the desired products.

The configration for the given reader (usually in readers/<reader>.yaml) is evaluated to get filter_patterns, which are processed and then used to match files in the given search_path.

The constraints are applied to reduce the result list (for example to see only files where platform_shortname is MSG4). The given constraint items correspond to the replacement fields of the filter_patterns (different filter_patterns may have arbitrarily different constraints).

Very important constraint options are those for defining restrictions for the data time(s). For at most one datetime replacement field from the filter_patterns a constraint can be given (only the first is evaluated, the others are ignored). This type of constraint is detected, when an according explicit type is defined for them; two of these explicit constraint types are available (for now):

  • type: datetime

    a fixed filter based on the different parts of the data time can be defined, e.g. data from all 1st days of each month in 2019 at 12:00

  • type: recent_datetime

    a range of time steps relative to the current time (“now”) can be defined, e.g. all data for the current hour and the two before with the value [0, -1, -2]

Finally with filename based filtering defined it must be configured, which actual products should be loaded/generated from the actual selection. Each source (a channel or dataset name as defined for the file type) must be given with a (possibly empty) list of derived product names - if the list is empty, the original dataset name is taken as product name.

Note, that the order of items in a query is free, but the order of the top level items is recommended as shown here.


The following defines a catalogue query suitable for loading the MTG FCI FDHSI product brightness temperature from the source channel ir_105 for the current and previous hour from the configured search path /path/to/fci/data. This configuration is suitable for the Auto Update Mode:


  - reader: 'fci_l1c_fdhsi'
    search_path: '/path/to/fci/data/'

      spacecraft_id: 1
      data_source: FCI
      processing_level: 1C
        type: recent_datetime
        H: [0, -1]

      ir_105: [brightness_temperature]

Another example shows a catalogue query suitable for loading SEVIRI channel IR_108 products brightness temperature and radiance for data times 2019-10-21T12:00 UTC until 2019-10-21T13:00 UTC (exclusive) from the configured search path /path/to/seviri/data/. This query is not suitable for the Auto Update Mode since it defines a fixed time span for the data:


  - reader: 'seviri_l1b_hrit'
    search_path: '/path/to/seviri/data/'

        - MSG4
        - ______
        - IR_108
        type: datetime
        Y: 2019
        m: 10
        d: 21
        H: 12

      IR_108: [brightness_temperature, radiance]

Note, that to catch the EPI and PRO files of the SEVIRI HRIT format the item ______ must be given for the replacement field option channel: EPI and PRO files have this at the channel part of their filenames.

Activation of Auto Update Mode

To activate the auto update mode the following entry must be available in the configuration settings:

  active: [boolean]
  interval: [float]

The option interval defines the time span between consecutive update cycles in seconds. It sets the duration to wait after the loading of a dataset has been finished before the next check for updates is performed. As long as no new data is found, this check is repeated every interval seconds.

For this to work a suitable Catalogue query configuration is required as described in the next section.