Configuring Area Definitions

SIFT allows only map projections which are provided by configuration via Satpy. All or some of them must be “activated” for use by configuring area_definitions as follows:


were DISPLAY_NAME_i is the name to be used in the GUI to refer to the area definition with the according ID AREA_ID_i which must be provided by according Satpy configuration (unknown area ids are skipped with a warning log message).

The area definitions appear in the Projection: picklist in the same order they are listed in the area_definitions configuration, the first entry is selected at application start.

One additional area definition is appended as fallback by SIFT if no area definition or none with a pseudo lat/lon projection (Plate Carree) is found. This is to make sure there is always projection showing the whole world selectable in the application, which is useful for examining data of yet unknown area.


  MSG SEVIRI FES 3km: msg_seviri_fes_3km
  MSG SEVIRI RSS 1km: msg_seviri_rss_1km
  MSG SEVIRI IODC 3km: msg_seviri_iodc_3km
  MTG FCI FDSS 2km: mtg_fci_fdss_2km