
SIFT is an open source software project that welcomes contributions of any kind. Contributions can range from letting the SIFT team know about bugs, to submitting updates to documentation, to contributing new features to the codebase. The documentation below is meant to point you in the right direction on how you can contribute and what the SIFT team might expect for contributions we receive.

Development Team

Development on SIFT was started by a team at the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, but has since had contributions from other organizations. EUMETSAT has made major revisions to SIFT including those from their contractor ask – Innovative Visualisierungslösungen GmbH, leading up to SIFT 2.0. Detailed information about these teams can be found below. In general, although these two teams may have differing goals, SIFT is kept in a flexible state that allows it to be used for forecast training, Cal/Val operations for instruments, or many other use cases.

If you’d like to chat with the developers about SIFT programming and design questions you can do so on our Gitter Chat or through GitHub issues (see below).


The original Program Manager for SIFT and one of the forecast trainers was Jordan Gerth. Since his transition to working for the National Weather Service (NWS) these responsibilities have been taken over by Scott Lindstrom. Additionally, we’ve had various testers of SIFT and trainers who used it including Kathy Strabala, Tim Schmit, William Straka III, Jessica Braun, and Graeme Martin. You may find comments from Jordan (@jgerth), Scott (ScottLindstrom), and the others throughout GitHub issues.

The SSEC development team is lead by Dave Hoese (@djhoese) and Ray Garcia (@rayg-ssec). Additional development can be seen from Eva Schiffer, Coda Phillips, and various UW-Madison undergraduate student programmers.


EUMETSAT’s efforts were managed by Sauli Joro (@sjoro). Development is primarily done by Andrea Meraner (@ameraner) and Johan Strandgren (@strandgren). Contributions from ask came from many developers including Alexander Rettig (@arcanerr). More information on those that have contributed to SIFT can be found in the file in the root of the repository.

Bug Reporting

If you’d like to file a bug report please click the “Issues” button at the top of the GitHub page and then click the button “New issue” button. It is a good idea to search through the existing issues to make sure the bug you’ve found or the feature you are requesting hasn’t already been filed.

Adding new features

If you have an idea for a feature you’d like to implement in SIFT please create an issue on GitHub to discuss the feature with the core developers. You can also chat with SIFT developers on the Gitter chat. They may be able to help guide you on how to add the feature.

Developer Installation

The following instructions are for software developers or users who want to install the unstable version of SIFT directly from GitHub. The easiest way to do this is to first follow the conda installation instructions by creating a new environment with the stable version of SIFT installed.

Next we will need to uninstall the conda package of SIFT:

conda uninstall --force uwsift

This will force uwsift to be uninstalled without uninstalling its dependencies. We can then install the unstable version of SIFT from its source code.

From GitHub

If you don’t plan on making modifications to the SIFT source code then we can run the following command and run the uwsift package as usual (see above):

pip install git+

From Source

If you do plan on making changes to the source code and running SIFT to see the changes, you first need to clone the git repository:

git clone

Note the above command uses “SSH” access to GitHub which requires setting up SSH keys on your GitHub account. You can alternatively use the URL.

Now we can install SIFT from the source code:

cd sift
pip install -e . --no-deps

Any changes made to the source code from here on out will take effect immediately.

Building the Documentation

SIFT uses the sphinx documentation tool to generate its documentation website. The website is automatically generated from the contents of the primary branch on GitHub. If you’d like to make changes to the documentation you can build the website locally to test your changes. In addition to the above Developer Installation process, you’ll need to run the following commands to install sphinx-specific dependencies:

conda install -c conda-forge sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
pip install blockdiag sphinxcontrib-seqdiag sphinxcontrib-blockdiag

You can then generate the documentation by running:

cd doc
make html

You can then open the build/html/index.html file in your preferred browser to preview the website.

Additional Satpy Readers

Starting with SIFT 1.1 Satpy is used for reading all input data files. Check the reader configuration docs to configure which Satpy readers are made available in SIFT. If you have a data source that is not yet supported in Satpy (available readers are listed here ), you have to write a Satpy reader in order to be able to visualize it in SIFT. Head to the Satpy documentation for guidelines on writing a new reader here, and consider contributing your reader to Satpy via a GitHub Pull Request. If you don’t want to publish your reader, or as an intermediate solution, you can plugin “local” readers in SIFT, see the external satpy documentation

Writing Tests

All bug fixes and features contributed to SIFT should have an associated test. Writing tests for an application as complex as SIFT (multithreaded data loading, PyQt GUI framework, OpenGL visualization, etc) can be difficult. We’ve gathered some of our lessons learned in writing tests for SIFT in the Writing Tests documentation.

Developer Workflow

For any contributions involving changes to the git repository on GitHub a pull request should be submitted. A pull request is an official request by you, the contributor, to the maintainers of SIFT to merge code from your copy of SIFT to the primary upstream version of SIFT.

  1. Follow the instructions in this GitHub documentation on creating a “fork”:

  2. Create a new git branch specifically for your changes. See this GitHub documentation for more information on how to do this. Please avoid modifying code in your main (or master) branch as this will make syncing upstream changes more difficult in the future.

  3. If you haven’t already, clone your fork locally and switch to the branch for the changes you are going to make (git checkout <branch-name>).

  4. Make commits to this branch and push them to your fork. Your fork is likely referred to as the origin remote so git push -u origin <branch-name> should work. Please include unit tests for any non-documentation changes.

  5. Create a pull request by following these instructions.

  6. Wait for review from SIFT maintainers. Address any requested changes by making more commits on your existing local branch and pushing them to your fork on GitHub with git push.

  7. Avoid making large (especially backwards incompatible) changes without first discussing it with the SIFT maintainers in a GitHub issue. This avoids duplicate or unnecessary work.